1. 標題: 放置一個吸引注意力的標題,告訴人們你的海報內容是什麼。
2. 正文: 這是內容的主要部分,所以要確保解釋清楚。
3. 圖形: 使用圖片或圖表等圖形來幫助闡述要點,使海報更吸引人。
4. 留白: 給元素之間足夠的間隔,使你的設計易於閱讀。
選擇配色繳費方案: 想想最能代表你的信息或主題的顏色。
留點空間: 不要讓海報過於擁擠,給每個元素一些呼吸空間。
創造對比: 通過對比使主要信息更加突出。嘗試不同的字體大小或顏色來使其脫穎而出。
製造視覺效果: 圖像能說明很多,選擇那些能夠強化你信息的視覺素材。
When we say poster, we’re referring to a poster that you put up on your wall, converting it into an element of communication that has transcended its communicative or promotional function to take on a decorative or vindicative role. We’ve all used posters to bring color to a room or a filing cabinet and they’re coveted objects among collectors.
Posters go back centuries, acting as powerful tools for communication and advertisement, keeping passersby informed of what’s happening around them. They are typically made up of striking imagery, jump-off-the-page typography, daring graphic design, and memorable taglines, fundamental elements that, when arranged together, pull audiences in to express their valuable message.
Print is an incredible word. It has made its mark on all aspects of our lives. It is the end of one process and the start of another, replicating finished articles and etching them into the pages of history. Its fascinating origins and immense power have given humanity the chance to communicate thoughts and ideas right across the globe, effectively clearing the path for what is now a global civilization.