1. 圖片和圖形: 配上一些引人注目的視覺素材,吸引觀眾的一眼注意。
2. 標題: 撰寫一個引起興趣的明確標題。
3. 內文: 資訊簡潔明了,讓任何人都能迅速掌握要點。
4. 聯繫和地點資訊: 確保你的觀眾知道要去哪裡或如何聯繫以獲取更多資訊。
設置焦點: 確保你的傳單有一個焦點,並圍繞它構築其他內容。
選擇正確的顏色: 選擇與你的品牌風格相匹配的顏色,使傳單看起來一致。
讓人們行動: 包含一個明確的操作呼叫(CTA),告訴觀眾你希望他們接下來做什麼。
仔細檢查內容: 在分享傳單之前,花一些時間校對,確保一切正確無誤。
Flyers are one of the oldest, most effective, and widely used methods of advertising and marketing. Through their engaging visuals and concise messages, flyers can quickly capture people’s attention and deliver the intended message in a memorable way. By creating compelling designs that stand out to potential customers, businesses, artists, and organizations can leverage flyers to grab attention and increase their reach.
Flyers are a cost-effective solution to promote anything and everything! To many of us, they are a nuisance, stuffed into your letterbox or used as box stuffers, and don’t get us started on nightclub promoters. Joking aside, they fit the argument that marketing is a numbers game, and the more you distribute, the more attention your promotion or advertisement will get.
As a graphic designer, you’ll get tons of strange questions. Like, “Can you make me a dress?” Yes, this is a question I’ve been asked before. Many people who are not in the design community have no idea what a graphic designer actually does. They just assume you can make anything artistic. New designers may find themselves in a similar situation when it comes to identifying the differences between web design and print design.