1. 主標題: 這是你的吸引點,大而醒目的文字首先引人注目。
2. 視覺效果: 補充你的文字的圖片或圖形,使橫幅更具吸引力。
3. 行動呼籲: 提示觀眾你希望他們接下來做什麼。
4. 品牌標識: 通常是一個標誌或口號,識別橫幅與你的品牌或組織。
簡化你的信息: 思考你希望人們在看到你的橫幅後記住或做的主要事情。堅持這一點,刪除其他。
明智選擇顏色: 確保你的文字與背景形成鮮明對比。對比是易於閱讀的關鍵,即使在遠處。
選擇高解析度圖片: 如果你使用照片或標誌,確保其高解析度,因為模糊或像素化的圖片會破壞最終效果。
保持一致性: 確保你的橫幅感覺是品牌的一部分。你可以通過遵守品牌的色彩調色板和字體風格來實現這一目標。
You come across banners every day, you probably even curse them sometimes, they annoy you, they get in the way of smooth browsing, they distract you from what really interests you, and they are ALWAYS there. But it’s very likely that what you hate today will turn out to be your greatest ally tomorrow, and together you will achieve the goals you set for yourselves.
Banners are a part of our information-sharing staple diet. We consume its information daily, sometimes without even realizing it. They are frequent and driven by impulse! Today they are also a way to monetize websites and apps, and if you stick them in the right place, you will see some incredible results. It is, in some ways, a form of currency on the internet, and for you to take full advantage of this strange advertising subculture, your banner must stand out.
Creating great online banner designs can be a challenge no matter what the occasion, even for experienced designers. Whether you’ve been designing digital content for years or just beginning to dip your toes into the world of graphic design, there are a few key elements that go into making banners that truly resonate and capture people’s attention.